Pole barn versus post frame … how to keep the structure from flopping over? Consider a barn, or perhaps a shop, made using timber and `posts’. There are two main ways to keep it from flopping over. One way is …

`a constantly debated topic’ (pole barn versus post frame) Read more »

E (E and shear-free E) (c) Jeff R. Filler, 2022 The deflections calculated in earlier examples (link and link) are based on the standard engineering formula for beams based on beam-curvature theory – where the beam curvature is a result …

Shear-Free Eeee Read more »

6 x 6 wood post versus 3-ply 2 x 6 © Jeff R. Filler, May 2022, Pell City (DRAFT) If you are an a professional engineer providing designs (or fixes) for wood-frame construction, sooner or later you will be asked, …

6 x 6 sawn post vs 3-ply 2 x 6 Read more »

E app (`Eee app’, `Eee apparent’, Apparent Modulus of Elasticity) is a design property for wood construction. It comes from the Modulus of Elasticity of the wood (E, MOE, Young’s Modulus). It’s not a `true’, or `pure’ property, and it …

E app (Apparent Modulus of Elasticity) Read more »

E (Eeee!) (Steel for now; wood later) E stands for Modulus of Elasticity, or Elastic Modulus, also Young’s Modulus. It is also abbreviated MOE (`Em – Oh – Ee’). By definition it is the amount of stress (tensile or compression) …

`Eeee’ Read more »

As an engineer I tend to design structures from the top down. First the roof loads, which determine rafters, or trusses, or whatever roof framing members. Then the beams/headers/girders supporting the rafters, then the columns or walls supporting the headers, …

… and now for the headers Read more »

Designing a roof rafter … (bending stress) … Linda wants a barn-shelter for her goats. Okay – I’ll do it. `Twelve by twenty-four.’ `Let’s go walk the site. It’s got some slope. I’ll make a stepped-barn, each section will be …

roof rafter calcs … BENDING STRESS Read more »