I continue to be mesmerized by this thing called `E min’. E min is the `minimum modulus of elasticity’ used in stability calculations in wood engineering design. E min (hereafter just Emin) is based on `regular’ modulus of elasticity, E.  …

E min and `Never’ Read more »

In the example above (link) we calculated a deflection of 0.599 in. How accurate is this number? (I showed it to three significant figures … accurate to half a percent?) Leaving out, for now, the accuracy/precision of the other input, …

Accuracy of Deflection Calcs (and Eee) Read more »

E app (`Eee app’, `Eee apparent’, Apparent Modulus of Elasticity) is a design property for wood construction. It comes from the Modulus of Elasticity of the wood (E, MOE, Young’s Modulus). It’s not a `true’, or `pure’ property, and it …

E app (Apparent Modulus of Elasticity) Read more »

E (Eeee!) (Steel for now; wood later) E stands for Modulus of Elasticity, or Elastic Modulus, also Young’s Modulus. It is also abbreviated MOE (`Em – Oh – Ee’). By definition it is the amount of stress (tensile or compression) …

`Eeee’ Read more »